Download snagit for windows xp
Download snagit for windows xp

Many of us stick to the standard “Print Screen” and paste into Paint action, as it gets the job done sufficiently well. When you need to explain a problem that you are having in a better way, or when you are looking to make a thorough step-by-step user guide, being able to take good screenshots and desktop capture videos is often the key to getting the right message across without confusing anyone else further.

download snagit for windows xp

The worst is that they admit their error but still don't have a corporate solution for that.Snagit is a feature-rich screen image capture product that actually might be worth considering, if you have a bit of money to burn. As we already know that TechSmith don't know how to create a better logic for their products and they store the settings into the HKCU.

download snagit for windows xp

What I have as a problem right now is to store the settings for SnagIt 10 and deploy them for all users of the current machine. The problem I see here is that even if you modify your MSI to include : TSC_START_AUTO=1 I don't think that on large environments they would like to remove / reinstall the product if it was already deployed just to enable a couple of options. Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "Snagit User Process" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 10\Snagit32.exe /i" And I applied this fix for SnagIt 10 but should be the same thing for many other applications except for the /i that is just assigned to SnagIt. A log off /in is needed to see it happen. Be careful if your deployment is 圆4 or x86 the command below applies only to 圆4 but you can modify it to adjust the path for x86. I had to cheat SnagIt and creating a CMD file with the command below in order to have the process on "Startup" and even without an icon the process will appear on the task bar and also minimized with the /i switch. Ok, here you are the Auto Launch solution !

Download snagit for windows xp